Group Volunteering Slowly Increasing

01/31/2022 This post was written by Diana Dalsin

by Joel Bisser, Community Relations Associate


Since I joined the team in August, we’ve hosted more than 50 groups, totaling more than 600 individuals, comprised of college and high school students, retirees, faith and civic organizations, and large and small businesses. These teams have dedicated their time and talents!

In addition to sorting, quality control, stocking the shelves, and warehouse assistance, a few of these teams have sponsored and built 400 dressers during my first six months at Bridging!

Because many of these groups are transitioning back into their own in-person work environments, a majority have not seen one another for a while, and their Bridging group volunteer experience is often the first time they have gotten back together for over a year and for some nearly two!

Despite a steep learning curve in a 2-3 hour shift, group volunteers care passionately about our mission and are doing their best, and in the end, together, all of us at Bridging are impressed by the commitment of all who impact our daily operations for the sake of the clients.

In addition to their interest, enthusiasm, and time, groups bring Bridging donations in the form of money, household items, positive public relations, and help spread the word of our organization and mission through the most powerful and effective channel— word of mouth.

In a few recent cases, participating in a group volunteer experience has resulted in people committing to volunteer individually (both future retirees and students) and rethinking what material things they accumulate as well as where they donate. For example, one group participant wrote the following in the post-volunteer group survey:

“I am retiring in the next 6 months and am deciding on volunteer opportunities. I normally donate to a similar organization, and will probably change to Bridging.

Another group volunteer reflected in the survey how individual tasks within a group experience help us accomplish our overall goals:

“I had always wondered how our previous group volunteer efforts (towel rolling) could be so big and yet not nearly enough. It was a positive experience to see that Bridging literally needs such scale to meet the needs of our community.” 

Groups want a meaningful experience, and Bridging provides it— hence Bridging was voted best non–profit in Minnesota once again in the Reader’s Choice survey in Minnesota Monthly Magazine for 2021 and why the Star Tribune’s Reader’s Choice Minnesota Best Magazine awarded Bridging a Bronze for best place to volunteer in the state in 2021!

We are excited to welcome new and returning groups back to Bridging in 2022!

Learn more and send in your group interest form today!

Questions? Call Joel Bisser, Community Relations Associate, 651.403.6872 or send him an email.

Donate Your gift moves us closer to achieving our vision and ensuring everyone lives in a furnished home.

As a supporter of Bridging, your donation provides life-changing support so individuals and families can create their own new beginnings, full of hope and possibility.
